11.2 The First Oath of AI- Aqaba
As the year progressed, many people from Yathrib came as pilgrims to Mecca. Twelve men came secretly to swear allegiance to the Messenger. They said to him, "If Allah should unite us through you, then no man on earth would be dearer to us than you." They had been often threatened by the Jews with a prophet who would come in the last or latter days. He would lead those who followed him to dominance. The Jews prayed and waited patiently for such a day and the tribes of Yathrib were apprehensive, for the Jews in their old books knew of things that the Arabs found obscure and mystifying. In the oath of allegiance they swore to worship no other gods than Allah, not to steal, not to tell lies, not to commit adultery, not to kill their children, and not to disobey the Prophet. If they fulfilled these commandments their reward would be paradise; if they neglected or forgot any of them, Allah might forgive them or punish them for it. The Prophet sent one of his Companions, Musab ibn Umayr, with them to teach them the Koran and the practices of Islam. Musab came from one of the noble clans of Quraysh. Before Islam he had lived a life of luxury and pleasure, a pampered and idle youth. People used to point him out for his fine appearance and rich dress. After becoming Muslim he left everything, left his family who would not enter into Islam, and dedicated his whole life to the service of Allah. With his clear perception and sincere belief he was an excellent guide to the precepts of Islam. He went to live with the people of Yathrib and every day some of them would enter into Islam at his hand. The choice of Musab for this office was an auspicious one for he was singularly suitable for the job. As the following year progressed, the sacred months approached once again. These were the months when the Arabs from all parts of the Peninsula came to make the pilgrimage. Musab came a little earlier to Mecca with good news. He told the Messenger how well the people of Yathrib, both Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj, were receiving Islam, how numerous were those converted to it, and how eager they were to hear the words of Allah and to know more of the Koran. |